Sunday, 15 June 2014

Lockie Leonard Human Torpedo

Title: Lockie Leonard Human Torpedo
Author: Tim Winton
Rating: 3 stars
Pages: 144

Lockie is a thirteen year old who is new to town, moving from Perth to "the most remote town on Earth" with his family. The 'surf rat" has just started his first year of high school with nothing going for him. But, when Viki Streeton becomes his girlfriend everything changes - he becomes famous and popular. Now it is up to Lockie to learn the ways of a teenager.

Although this book has been given a lot of terrible reviews on Goodreads, I personally really enjoyed Tim Winton's interesting descriptive style and sense of dry wit to convey what a young teenage boy can go through. I found it an amusing and very short, easy read - in fact, I finished the short story almost in one sitting. The Lockie Leonard series might not be for everyone but, I would recommend this book to children and young teens looking for a good laugh and a quick novel.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

While I Live

Title: While I Live (The Ellie Chronicles)
Author: John Marsden
Rating: 3 and a half stars
Pages: 304

“Funny, some things, even though you’re expecting them, even though you’ve known for the last five minutes what’s probably happening and what you’re likely to see, when you’re face to face with them you realise that nothing, nothing, nothing, on God’s Earth can prepare you for them.”
 - Ellie Linton

Have you ever splurged into a series not wanting the last book to finish? Well, this novel is for you. While I Live is the first book in the trilogy, The Ellie Chronicles, following on from the thrillingly brilliant Tomorrow series by John Marsden. Ellie Linton and her small farming town have just emerged from being in a war, trying to rebuild their lives again. But, as soon as things appear to be starting to regroup - war comes flooding back towards Ellie and the consequences change her life forever.

 For an absolute fan of the Tomorrow series, stumbling across this trilogy personally was like being six years old again on Christmas Day and realising you've just missed opening one last present. While I Live is sweet, descriptive, tearful, exciting and adventurous with all the lovable characters from the previous series as well as new ones. In my opinion, this is another great book written by Marsden which jumps straight to the plot. However, I did find it dry in a few parts where there should've been an overload of emotion felt. That said, John Marsden is one of the best writers I know of and I'm really looking forward to reading what happens to Ellie and Gavin in the next two novels.

“I know my life’s different from other people’s but everyone’s life is different from everyone else’s. All I can do is keep living it, keep moving it forward every day I can. Lots of days it’s three steps forward, four step back. If at the end of every month I’m step or two ahead – well, I’ll settle for that.”  - Ellie Linton