Title: Tallow
Author: Karen Brooks
Rating: 3 stars
Pages: 411
Tallow is this first book in the trilogy, The Curse of the Bond Riders. An intriguing historical fantasy set in Venice during the renaissance. The story follows the life of Tallow, rescued by a humble candlemaker as an infant, in time becoming his apprentice. When Tallow turns fifteen, unique talents begin to reveal themselves. But, enemies lurk in the shadows waiting to manipulate this ancient magic for their own purposes.
It took me a while to understand the concept of this book and some of the Italian words referenced throughout. Once I got the hang of these, I began to appreciate the complex relationships and plots. In particular, I found the idea of Tallow's gift very metaphorical and the relationship between Donte, the chandler's apprentice, and Tallow fitting. I enjoyed all of the relationships created between each character and twists and turns presented right to the end of the novel. Overall, I would recommend this to anyone in their late teens who is interested in paranormal fantasy.
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